Q2 Serves is a 24/7 Inbound Call Center Service Provider based in india. We are established since 2005 and have best infrastructure to provide inbound call center services, 24/7 help desk services, inbound technical support services. Our Inbound Support Services pricings startes from $3 USD / Hour.
Q 2 Serves provides inbound call center services, including business answering services and all kinds of BPO Outsourcing Services, 24/7, for any business around the world. The It manager of Serves Infotech - Q 2 Serves Infotech is Prakash Ghai Business classifications
NAICS (US 2012) : We call ourselves Q 2 Serves Which means quality with quantity. Q2 serves was launched in 2005 with a vision to achieve worldwide leadership in the sphere of IT and IT enabled services, we are focused on technological innovations as much as proving true to the client expectations on all projects.
Q 2 serves is a 24/7 inbound call center services company where you will find highly competent people along with innovative technology together to provide you the best call center services, Back office services along with data entry services, live chat outsourcing services and Offshore BPO services in the industry.
Customer satisfaction research consultants
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Serves Infotech - Q 2 Serves Infotech in New York you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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